2024 SCR Meeting Minutes

March 09, 2024

Call to Order by Regional Director Tim Earle

Rules of Order 

Robert’s Rules of Order 

Motion must be made and seconded prior to discussion 

Discussion limited to the motion only 

Only the club delegate can speak 

Discussion is limited to 3 min. per delegate 

Only the club delegate can vote 

Motions pass on the simple majority of the voting members present   

Roll Call: 


Regional Director-Timothy Earle : Present

Assistant Regional Director- Dave Kroyer : Present

Regional Secretary-Autumn Frizzell : Present

Regional Treasurer-Barry Badders : Absent- Emailed Report

Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn : Present

Regional Breed Warden-Larry Vinzant : Absent



Austin Schutzhund Club - Danny Grayson : Absent

Endeavor Schutzhund Club - Susan Ramsay : Absent

Greater Dallas Working Dog Club - Shawn Bell : Present

Greater Houston Schutzhund Club - Dr. Dena McGowan : Present

Heart of Texas Schutzhund Club - Joshua Frizzell : Present

Houston Sport Dog Club - Dr. Naszrin Arani : Absent

Humble Pie Schutzhund Club - Moraih Thomassian : Absent

Lone Star Schutzhund Club - Jessy Gabriel : Present

Narrow Path Dog Club - Lucie Williams : Present

New Braunfels Schutzhund Club - Terri White : Present

New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club - Shannon Farrell : Absent

Organ Mountain Schutzhund - Lesley Maguire : Absent

Club River City Working Dogs - Jennifer Sutrick : Present

SchH Club of San Antonio - Jamie Space : Present

United Fido SchH Club - Kyle Evans : Present

Wild West Working Dogs - Allyson Miles : Present

Working Dog Club of Houston - Diane McKinney : Absent

Officer Reports: 

Regional Director- Timothy Earle : “No true officer report- one thing I will say, there are a lot of things we need to fix and give me some time to do that, I need all the help that I can get, and all the support to get it done, uhm, we have a great region, if we work together to get stuff done, we can get stuff done, so lets just make that happen.“

Assistant Regional Director- Dave Kroyer : “maybe one thing, what do we do in the situation of last night with the helper tryouts, when Rob, our Teaching Helpers were not available? Can we get something like that in stone?” Autumn Frizzell responds: “we will have to pass another motion, to amend the motion made in 2015. It doesn’t specify region teaching helpers we looked at it again yesterday and technically Tim Reiber, could have been on the feild as a teaching helper, but he wasn’t here at the time, so it says any teaeching helper present, and the judge.” Dave Kroyer: “right, and it was fine that Rob declined to do it, and I would have 100% trusted him to be out there, he didn’t feel it was right, we have to have it in writing so that when it happens again, we know what to do, vs a bunch of talking underneath, what are we doing, blah blah blah.” Frizzell: “we need to have another motion made to amend the one from 2015.” Kroyer: “and I don’t have the answer but there needs to be something thought about.” Tim Earle: “I think overall we need to work on our helper program to get it fixed.” Shawn Bell: “we are doing better than we were, just going to say that” 

Regional Secretary-Autumn Frizzell : “ I am working on keeping the regional website updated, I am trying to get a helper directory together for the clubs that don’t have helpers, so that they can find access to a helper that will travel, some of you guys I have the information for, the USCA gave me quite a long list, & Shawn has helped me narrow it down quite a bit, so thank you- other than that, trying to be more open, trying to bring more programs in, trying to bring in tracklayers- there is a want for tracklayer seminars, there is a want for WBs- trying to be more open and have discussions with the membership on the Facebook pages- to see what is actually wanted and needed here.” 

Regional Treasurer- Barry Badders : Regional Director Tim Earle Reads Barry Badders Report that was Emailed to the Regional Contacts: “we spent $20.17 on GoDaddy, Nationals Trophy was $75, USCA Sieger Show, $80, Squarespace for the website $297.22, current balance as of December 31, 2023- $9,186.30. January 22 we spent another $22.17- leaving an ending balance of $9,164.13.”

Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn : “So I just want to say thank you so much to Heart of Texas for hosting this years Regional Championships, especially Autumn, she has worked her ass off, and it is not easy. I also want to thank Narrow Path for hosting the Regional Show, you did a wonderful job with that. Congratulations to our new ARD Dave Kroyer, I am sure youll be a great asset to the region. I also agree that the, this helper thing has always been an issue going back and forth, and I was always for the judge being a part of this, because the judge can say, they don’t like the helper and can get rid of them, I agree we need a solution that is clear and easy for helper selection. I also want to thank Mike Caputo for coming out and judging the trial, and I want to let you know that Shawn Bell has put in for apprentice teaching helper and we look forward to having him as a teaching helper for the region, and we have the regional training seminar on the 22-25, and we look forward to seeing everyone there- we are going to have a seminar and certification and just thank you everyone for your support”

Regional Breed Warden-Larry Vinzant : Absent

Club Reports: 

Austin Schutzhund Club : Absent

Endeavor Schutzhund Club : Absent

Greater Dallas Working Dog: Shawn Bell: “Glad to be here”

Club Greater Houston SchH Club : Dr. Dena McGowan: “we had a trial in November, we had 6 Bhs, all successful, 3 3’s- I don’t know how many of you know Jim Fallon but this was his 4th attempt at the 3 on his HOT dog Cheif, and finally he passed his protection but walked the track. In february he trialed at our sister clubs trial and scored 80-80-82 pronounced to get his first Sch3 at 81 years old.”

Heart of Texas Schutzhund : Lora Nix reads club report for Josh Frizzell: “We currently have 15 active members, this year we hosted a fall trail under Stanley Craddock, we hosted the 2024 regional IGP Championship, and we are bringing Jan Van Maren down in two weeks for the regional helper training weekend. Our members have earned 31 titles this year, 7 BHs, 5 IGP1- 1 earning High in Trial, 1 IGP2, 5 WB, 3 Breed Survey, 2 AD, and 7 titles in the conformation ring. We also took 2 dogs to the Seiger Show this year and our helper worked our fall trial, the New Braunfels Fall Trial, the Narrow Path Fall Event Trial and Breed Survey, the AWMA Southern Regional Championship, and the Narrow Path Spring Trail and Breed Survey. This fall we are looking to host a helper and tracklayer seminar.”

Club Houston Sport Dog Club : Absent

Humble Pie Schutzhund Club : Absent

Lone Star Schutzhund Club : Jessy Gabriel “Lonestar had a couple of trials, and have members that titled a few dogs, sorry I am not good at keeping track of everything, we have members showing at the regional championship last year, members at the working dog championship last year, I was on the world team for Universal with Natschi, and we showed at Nationals, we had Eric up his qualification for the helpers and he was selected for this weekend. Thats it.”

Narrow Path Dog Club : Lucie Williams “So we hosted the Narrow Path Fall Event in December with an SV judge Jurgen Maibucchen, but we did have 13 IGP Titles in the trail, 8 ADs, and 8 Bhs, our club does not have that many members, it truly exists to just put on events, so the members titles are always limited, but our trials and shows have a great attendance. Then we have hosted the Spring Event, which was the regional conformation show, which was the SV Judge from Austria, Edgar Pertl, we had 51 entries, and in the same weekend we hosted IGP trial with the same judge, with 9 IGPs, 5 ADs, and 8 Bhs. We are also hosting this coming December- another show, and trial with Sieger Show Judge Harold Hohman.” 

New Braunfels Schutzhund Club : Tim Earle “we did several trials this year, I don’t remember all the stuff we did, Terri got her FH, IGP3, we got alot of titles and stuff, we have another trial in October as well. We are doing okay.”

New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club : Absent

Organ Mountain Schutzhund Club : Absent

River City Working Dogs : Terri White “We trialed at Tims place, and had 3 BHs, an IGP1, FH, and IGP3.” 

SchH Club of San Antonio : Chuck Jones “after being down to about 2 members, we have been able to build our membership back up to about 9-10 folks right now. Everyone is new to the sport so it is a little bit of a long road, and it's challenging. We do have a trial coming up April 6, and we have some young helpers looking forward to participating in the upcoming workshop. I have been up to Randalls probably a dozen times for a dozen different events, and I don’t know if he is around here, but this is a great place to have an event, and I want to thank Randall for always letting us host events here.”

United Fido SchH Club : Kyle Evans “Last year United Fido, from my understanding we did put on the regional show, and my understanding is that that show had the most show entries, I don’t know if that was only the region, or a national basis-” Lucie Williams “it was only the region, it was a regional record.” Kyle Evans “so we had the regional record for that anyways, thank you everyone for your help in that, it was a good showing, long weekend, thanks for all the members in Fido that helped with that, as well as I think we also co hosted that a little bit I believe, I might be speaking out a little bit, I don’t know. We also had 1 or 2 members go to nationals last year, show and get good scores, and a recent GSDCA trial that we took in and had multiple members with good scores. We do anticipate probably putting on a show in the fall, we are still in talks of that, but I don’t know exactly, but again I do want to thank Autumn, since her taking her position I do believe that she is working her ass off. Thank you Autumn. Last Thing- we do have another up and coming helper, Russell- he did drive all the way to Wild West to classify and he did a good job!”

Wild West Working Dogs : Allyson Miles “we had 3 events this year, an IGP trial, RH, and we held the helper seminar. Keep in mind we really have about 10 active members and we had 10 titles, a couple dogs finished their 3s, our youth members finished her 3, so several dogs did title, we had an RH and they did good, only one dog flunked. We have a very active RH group- we did get the bid for the national RH championship, and we really hope yall support us, we do a lot of community service, we continue to work with the PD on their canine encounters, this year they had no dogs that I am aware of that were shot in the community, when we started the program they had about 9 dogs that were shot out in the field in that year, so we are proud of those stats. This is our 5th year teaching a high school class, a course with riverside highschool, we have 13 students this year, and we have done several demos at school for career day, we have some therapy dogs in the club. We went to nationals for the RH, we had 4 people that went- 2 passed, Tiffany got the 2B champion, we had a Youth pass the 2A and got the sportsmanship award, and 2 of us failed. We will be hosting the RH Nationals and hope you support us.”

Working Dog Club of Houston : Absent

Approval of 2023 Meeting : Tim Earle: “Can I get someone to move for the approval of the 2023 meeting minutes?” Dr. Dena McGowan: “I’ll move.” Terri White: “I’ll second”.  Tim Earle: “Motion was made by Dena McGowan, and seconded by Terri White.” 

Minutes Old Business 

New Business

a. Clarification of who is allowed to vote in Regional Elections : Tim Earle: “Clarification of who is allowed to vote in regional elections, one of the biggest things is you have to be an active club in the region, we all know that, your club can’t be in affiliation status. I know right now we have several clubs that are and have not had a trial in several years, so I think that is something that we have to fix, that part is across the board. That is why I kind of mentioned the helper issue, so that’s something I am going to be working on to try to get those clubs back where they need to be. I am not sure why it is a problem, is there something we need to discuss on that?” Autumn Frizzell: “Are you talking about the clarification?” Tim Earle: “yes” Autumn Frizzell: “so there is a clarification of who can vote for regional officer elections. Technically the existing USCA Regional board cannot vote per USCA bylaws, it can only be club delegates for the full member clubs- no affiliate status. There was confusion last year, and it was not just us, it was in other regions.” Kyle Evans: “say that again, affiliate clubs cannot vote?” Frizzell: “Right, so you have to be full member status clubs, and the club delegates can vote, but the current regional board members cannot vote, so next year when we have regional officer elections, only the club delegates can vote. Does that make sense?” Evans: “yeah, if you are on the board you can’t vote.” Crowd Member: “Does that mean if you are on the board, someone else in your club will be your delegate?” Frizzell: “yes.” 

b. 2025 Regional Conformation Show, Hosting Club and Location 

Frizzell: “Would anyone like to place a bid for the Regional Conformation Show next year?” Lucie Williams: “I will preface this, after the show in December, I said hats off to anybody that hosts an event, anybody. It is so much work. After last weekend I told my husband we are never doing this again. Then I was thinking, so the only way we are willing to go through this, because from the IGP trial I had to pull my own dogs, because they were not ready because it is just so much work, and that’s not the goal right? So we have approached Autumn and Heart of Texas- so we would like to put in a bid that Narrow Path Dog Club and Heart of Texas host the Regional Show with an IGP Trial as well. So Narrow Path will take care of the organization, the catalog, and the trophies, and Autumn will lead the entire administration, and this way I think it can be a really amazing event. Autumn is a rockstar, and I think we can have a great event.” Jessy Gabriel: “I vote yes.” Frizzell: “So let me give you some details. Lucie has Jurgen Maibucchen coming in March next year, the second weekend, so we are planning- “ Rob Dunn: “Is it an SV judge?” Williams: “Yes, and the Sieger Show Judge as well.” Frizzell: “yes, it’ll be a new judge than the past two years, the plan is IGP Trial Friday, Saturday Morning will be Breed Survey, and then go into the show- so just like at the Sieger show they do bitework first and then go into the show, it’ll be the exact same. Sunday morning will be ADs while the WBs are going. The location we have discussed is here at the DFW Field, as we have enough space to do the AD and the WBs, and we have all the supplies so it makes it a little easier for the both of us. So yeah, we can vote unless anyone else wants to put in a bid.” Jessy Gabriel: “yes.” Dave Kroyer: “Lucie and Autumn!” Motion was set forth by Jessy Gabriel for Narrow Path and Heart of Texas to Host the 2025 Regional Conformation Show, seconded by Dave Kroyer. Motion Carries. 

c. 2025 Regional IGP Championship, Hosting Club and Location 

Jessy Gabriel: “Lonestar would like to put a bid in.” Tim Earle: “LoneStar.” Frizzell: “Any other bids?” Tim Earle raises hand: “ New Braunfels would like to host the event.” Shawn  Bell: “Kevin? Louisiana?” Kevin shakes head. Kyle Evans: “yeah, we will put our names in it, but only if Autumn helps us!” Shawn Bell: “three in the hat, do we have four?” Frizzell: “Does anyone have any details about the events? Or do we want to move to table it to give you all time to figure out details like judges, locations, and dates?” Kyle Evans: “yeah, that’ll  be good.” Agreement chatter in the background. Frizzell: “I move to table the bids for the 2025 Regional Championship to give clubs time to provide details in their bids.” Tim Earle: “I second.” Motion Carries. Voting is tabled to allow clubs time to submit detailed proposals. 

Tim Earle: “Before we adjourn I want to bring up something, as I mentioned in part, something about the helpers, and I want to clarify what I was talking about. Some clubs have a lot of great helpers and some clubs don’t, and I know the idea is that we have great and strong powerful clubs in our region. We are a strong and powerful region and I want to make sure we continue to be that way. It is great to have a lot of clubs, but I want to make sure we have clubs that are doing the right stuff, with the right equipment and personnel. If you are a club and you are not letting us know, me know or the other clubs know that you need help- I kind of blame you for that. We don’t know that you need help if you don’t tell us, and if you have been telling people and they aren’t helping you let me know about it. I know some people have brought it to my attention, and I am going to do what I can for you. I have talked to Shawn about it, and my goal is, and I am not a king or anything like that. But one thing is, we do have helpers available and those helpers shouldn’t have to do it on their own, their gas the whole nine yards, but if we can get those helpers to come to your location to assist you, then let's try to get them there to help you be stronger, help you have those trials. There shouldn’t  be a reason we are going years and years and years without having a trial, unless there is a national emergency and I understand that, but if we can get those individuals there, to help you and assist you then, let's do it. If you have a neighboring club near you that can assist you and you can do a Saturday or a Sunday then let's do it. Let's get these trials in the books. 

Shawn Bell: “So Tim we have 9 active helpers on the books, that are classified, and 2 teaching helpers so we should be able to make something happen. If everyone reaches out to Tim, he can reach out to me and I can help him reach out to every individual helper and try to make things happen. Maybe we can schedule something once a month to try to get everyone in the region active, and get clubs helpers.” 

Tim Earle: “ We can only help each other if we know about it, so let someone know about it, and we can make things happen. It is great having a lot of something but it's terrible having a lot of something not working. Again, reach out and talk to me. As long as I am sitting here I am not going to give out a whole bunch of waivers because it is not needed if we can get stuff to make stuff happen. There are a lot of trails happening. 

Adjournment: Dr. Dena McGowan: “I move to adjourn.” Autumn Frizzell: “I second.” Meeting is adjourned. 

United Schutzhund Clubs of America 

South Central Region 

Treasurers Report- 2024 Meeting

Balance Sheet 


Balance on January 1, 2023 $ 9,655.69 Deposits: 


Debit Card Jan 23, 2023 Go Daddy ($20.17)

CHK 1020 Aug 3, 2023 USCA - Nationals Trophy ($75.00)

CHK 1021 Sept 20, 2023 USCA - Seiger Show Trophy ($80.00)

Debit Card Dec 20, 2023 Square Space ($294.22) 

Balance on December 31, 2023 $ 9,186.30 

Debit Card Jan 22, 2024 Go Daddy ($22.17) $ 9,164.13

Bids Submitted for 2025 Regional IGP Championships

Bid 1: 

HOST: New Braunfels Schutzhund Club and United Fido SchH Club are requesting to host the 2025 Regional IGP championship Feb 28-Mar 2.

LOCATION: Seguin, Texas 78155

TRIAL FIELD: 1. Navarro Junior High school stadium (tentative approval)

                        2. Briesemeister Middle School stadium ( awaiting athletic director

3. New Braunfels Schutzhund club New Trial field 

TRACKING: 1. Grass  2. Dirt ( I will know for sure by October) 

Setup of field: Blinds will go from Right to Left 

Articles will be shown 90 days out

Practice Day TBD

Lodging Pet Friendly: Laquita, Towneplace by Marriott, super 8 by Wyndham, Days inn by Wyndham and many more.

USCA Judges: 1. Arthur Collins 2. Al Govednik 3. Jacob Pope

TROPHIES WILL BE ISSUED 1st PLACE 2ND PLACE,3RD PLACE, AND 4th PLACE. Secondary trophies will be given as well

FOOD: First priority goes to the schools concession stands for all food choices. Second priority will be private vendors. 

Draw Night and Regional Meeting: Will be held at the same location. Large building, located on my property with AC and heating capabilities. 

Bid 2:

Hosting club : lone star Schutzhund club

Judges we are considering

Sv judge Johannes Eitler

SV judge Manfred Drescher

Usca judge Andrea Duggan

January 10-12

Friday BH, UPR, APR etc

Saturday and Sunday IGP 1-3 & FH

Location Stadium in Round Rock, Texas

Tracking : Dirt

2025 South Central Regional Championship Bid Voting was held through anonymous online voting using Survey Monkey. Voting was held on March 25, 2024 at 12p until March 26, 2024 @12p. 

The final vote was 6 votes for Bid 1 and 3 votes for Bid 2. The 2025 South Central Regional IGP Championships will be hosted by New Braunfels Schutzhund Club and United Fido Schutzhund Club.