February 21, 2015
Lone Star, Austin and San Gabriel
Canine Headquarters, Hutto Texas
On 21 February 2015, the South Central Region Annual meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. The
meeting was held at Canine Headquarters, Inc., 817 Tradesmens Park Loop, Hutto, Texas 78634. The
Agenda for the meeting, which was circulated on 25 January 2015, via email to all regional club contacts,
is included as Attachment A to these Meeting Minutes.
Director – Dr. Dena McGowan
Assistant Director – Julia Grayson
Secretary – Betty Thomas
Treasurer – Sunny Moore
Training Director – Rob Dunn
Breed Warden – Carla Griffith
Alamo Working Dog Club – Barry Badders
Austin Schutzhund Club – Daniel Grayson
Cajun Team Schutzhund Club – Paul Robertson
Cypress Working Dogs – Yvette Skinner
DFW Working Dogs – Randall Hoadley/D Davis
Greater Dallas Working Dog Club – Betty Thomas
Greater Houston Schutzhund Club – Jim Fallon
Lone Star Schutzhund Club – Jessy Gabriel
San Gabriel Hund Verein – Dave Kroyer
United Fido Schutzhund Club – Clement Dang
Wild West Working Dogs – Krystina Boozer
Endeavor Schutzhund Club – Marsha Boggs
Louisiana IPO – Ed Sanders
New Mexico Hundesport – Cheri Clark
O.G. Valencia Schutzhund Verein – Scott Zwart
Renegade Working Dog Club – Scott Thomas
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The minutes from the previous meeting were approved without comment or change.
Report from Regional Director was provided by Dr. Dena McGowan:
“I would like to welcome our Judge Elmar Mannes and the USCA President Jim
Last year we welcomed two new full member clubs to the South Central, Cypress
WDC in Lafayette, LA and Louisiana IPO in Ponchatoula, LA.
We also have two more clubs planning to do affiliation trials in the near future,
Lubbock SchH Club and All Valley SchH Club (the rebirth of the old Coastal
Bend SchH Club). I wish them both success in their endeavor.
The regional web site is being updated by Linda Guidry and Julia Grayson.
Linda has been paying out of her own pocket to host the web site. Later we will
vote to reimburse her. I also feel that the region should pay the expenses for
hosting the web site in the future. If you have something you would like to see on
the web site, let one of them know.
It seems we need to define how the pre-selected helpers are notified. Julia will
present a solution for this. A letter was sent out by Michelle Scarberry asking
each region to sponsor a performance award at the Seiger Show. The cost to the
region would be $100. I have sent her email out to the regional contacts. Please
discuss with your clubs and let me know how you feel.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow in the stadium.”
Report from Assistant Regional Director was provided by Julia Grayson:
“Thank you everyone for being here.
Jim Alloway, President of USCA, is here with us, Jim thank you for being here
We had some great tracks with great track layers. One of the track layers is here
visiting from Belgium and we are happy to have him.
The raffle is tomorrow with a lot of great stuff. Cynthia, Jessy, and Georgia have
been working very hard to get nice raffle items. We appreciate the work they
have done. The raffle booth will be set up tomorrow.
We have a food vender here tomorrow and breakfast will begin at 8:30 a.m. and
include items like bacon and eggs, and he is a funnel cake guy.
The website has been updated and this is a prototype. It is not completely done
yet, we still need to add more pictures and dress up a bit. We made it in a tab
format, as soon as we move the website to a Regional expense item, the pages
will be moved to a permanent regional site. It is written in an open source
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software called Drupal therefor anyone can manage it and it can be updated
A question was asked about the anticipated launch date. When the person that owns the URL has a
chance to move it, then the new website will be live. In the past, he has been paying for the URL as
“I had fun meeting the new clubs. I had fun going to the trial in New Orleans,
they were very supportive. I had fun meeting all the new people at the helper
Report from Secretary was provided by Betty Thomas:
The Secretary stated she did not have a report. However, she presented a fund raiser being done by WDC
with proceeds benefiting USCA. She stated she has enjoyed being Secretary. Then Dr. Dena McGowan
thanked Betty and stated she had done a wonderful job as Secretary.
Report from Treasurer was provided by Sunny Moore:
“We started the year with almost $5,300, collected $850 in dues paid by clubs,
paid $250 for the Regional Championship event last year, and paid $60 for
trophy sponsorship at the National Championship. Current balance is just over
Report from Training Director was provided by Rob Dunn:
“Thank you to the three clubs hosting the event: Lone Stare Schutzhund Club,
Austin Schutzhund Club, and San Gabriel Hund Verein. A lot of effort has gone
into making it all work, from finding the most perfect tracking fields and track
laying, to having three excellent helpers try out. We have new clubs in the
region, Danny, Charles, and Randal have done several helper seminars. We had
a new selection process for the helpers at the Regional Championship and as we
went through the process we had some communication issues that will need to be
addressed and can hopefully come to some resolution at this meeting and maybe
Each of the following club’s delegate provided a report:
Alamo Working Dog Club - Barry Badders,
Austin Schutzhund Club - Julia Grayson for Daniel Grayson,
Cajun Team Schutzhund Club - Paul Robertson for Rene Gelsomino,
Cypress Working Dogs - Yvette Skinner,
DFW Working Dogs - Randall Hoadley,
Greater Dallas Working Dogs – Betty Thomas for Carla Griffith,
Greater Houston SchH Club - Jim Fallon,
Lone Star Schutzhund Club - Jessy Gabriel,
San Gabriel Hund Verein - Dave Kroyer,
United Fido Schutzhund Club - Clement Dang, and
Wild West Working Dogs - Krystina Boozer for Angie Morgan.
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Election of Regional Officers:
Regional Director – There was a nomination for Dr. Dena McGowan and no other nominations were made. No vote was necessary so Dr. McGowan was elected by acclamation.
Assistant Regional Director – There was a nomination for Julia Grayson and no other nominations were made. No vote was necessary so Julia Grayson was elected by acclamation.
Regional Secretary – Krystina Boozer and Barry Badders were nominated for Secretary. Ballots were hosting. A secret ballot was circulated and the vote was for DFW Working Dogs to host.
2017 Regional Conformation Show Hosting Club – No bids at this time.
2017 SCR Regional IPO Championship Hosting Club – No bids at this time.
Motion by Dr. Dena Mc Gowan to reimburse Linda Guidry for her expenses for maintaining the Regional Website, and for the Region to pay for the website expenses from this point forward. The cost is
approximately $50 per year. Motion approved.
Motion by Randall Hoadley to change the way helpers are selected for the SCR Regional Championship. “I move that we amend the helper selection motion to read the following:
preselect the four helpers for tryouts. At the regionals, the four preselected helpers will be selected by the same USA Teaching Helper and the judge for protection. If there is a tie, the judge will make the deciding vote to ensure impartiality in selecting the helpers.The SCR needs to support and promote SCR helpers for SCR regionals. If the region does not have enough helpers we need to understand we have an issue
and look for ways to address and resolve the issues. The motion continues to support our SCR teaching helpers and our SCR helpers.”
The motion was seconded and there was a lot of discussion regarding the motion and much of it was about pre-select vs not pre-select. Randall Hoadley withdrew his motion so issues could be broken up
and voted on independently.A motion was made by Barry Badders to not have pre selections but the host club would be required to get a minimum of 4 helpers in the region committed, or go outside the region for helpers to tryout out for the event. The motion was seconded. Discussion of the motion included time frame for commitments, and supporting helpers in the region to get qualified. There was a motion to “Call the Question” which was seconded. The motion carried so discussion ended on the Barry Badders’ motion and it went to a vote. The motion failed.
Jessy Gabriel made a motion to open the helper try out to all regions and outside qualified helpers with no preselection and it is the host clubs responsibility to get enough qualified helpers to tryout. The motion
was seconded. The Discussion was only about clarifying the motion and then the vote was called. The A motion was made for the Teaching Helpers present and the Judge to select the helpers with the judge
having the tie breaker in the event of a split decision. The motion was discussed until there was a motion to “Call the Question” which was seconded. The motion for the question carried so discussion ended and
the motion on the floor went to a vote. The motion for Regional Championship helpers to be selected by all the Teaching Helpers present and the Judge, with the Judge having the tie breaker, motion carried.