Regional Meeting February 22, 2014
DFW Working Dog Club Training Clubhouse
Seagoville, Texas
Call to Order at 3:40 PM and Roll Call
SCR Regional Board:
Regional Director-Dr. Dena McGowan Here
Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson Here
Regional Secretary-Betty Thomas Here
Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore Absent
Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith Here
Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn Here
SCR Regional Clubs
Alamo Working Dog Club-Barry Badders Here
Austin Schutzhund Club-Danny Grayson Here
Cajun Team Schutzhund Club-Rene Gelsomino Absent
Cypress Working Dogs-Kat Richard Here
DFW Working Dogs-Stan Covington Here
Endeavor Schutzhund Club-Marsha Boggs Absent
Greater Dallas Working Dog Club-Kathy May Here
Greater Houston Schutzhund Club-Jim Fallon Here
Greater New Orleans Schutzhund Assoc.-David Billiot Absent
Lone Star Schutzhund Club-Jessy Gabriel Here
New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club-Kevin Sheldahl Absent
O.G. Valencia Schutzhund Verein-Scott Zwart Absent
Renegade Working Dog Club-Ann Grimm Absent
San Gabriel Hund Verein-Dave Kroyer Here
United Fido SchH Club-Todd Neece Absent
Wild West Working Dogs-Diana Dennis Absent
Motion by Danny to accept 2013 Regional Meeting Minutes. Second by Julia.
Minutes Approved.
Discussion limited to 3 minutes per delegate. Must be club representative to
speak/or vote.
Regional Director-Dr. Dena McGowan
It has been a year of growth for the South Central Region.
Alamo WDC in San Antonio did their affiliation last April. They just held a trial and
show for their first official event.
On my way to Nationals in CA, I stopped off on Oct. 26 and did the affiliation trial for
Wild West WDC in El Paso.
On Dec. 28 the Renegade WDC in San Antonio did their affiliation trial.
The next weekend on Jan. 4 Cypress WDC in Lafayette did their affiliation trial.
In the near future the Louisiana IPO Club in Ponchatoula will be doing their
affiliation trial.
I wish all new clubs continued success.
We did lose one club, Big Country SchH Club in Albany, Tx.
On the National scene, the new website is up, but still a work in progress. And how
do you like those new membership cards?
I wish everyone success tomorrow.
Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson
Congratulations to our new clubs. I went to Alamo WDC and they did a show and a
trial the same weekend. They did a very nice job. I appreciate Linda Guidry and all
her work on the website. We will be updating the website. If you have any
questions, call me or send me a note.
Regional Secretary-Betty Thomas
If you change your delegate to the regional meeting, your contact person has to be
the one to let the regional secretary know. I also would like to welcome all the new
Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore
Balance on December 31, 2012 was$4661.47. In 2013 we collected $879.15. We
paid $250 to 2013 Regional Conformation Show. Balance on December 31,2013 was
$5290.62. We paid $250 to 2014 Regional Championship event. Balance on
February 22, 2014 is $5040.62. 2013 dues were received from the following clubs:
Alamo WDC, Austin SchH Club, Big Country SchH Club, Cajun Team SchH, Coastal
Bend SchH Club, DFW Working Dogs, Endeavor SchH Club, Greater Dallas WDC,
Greater Houston SchH Club, Greater New Orleans SchH Club, Lone Star SchH Club,
New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club, O.G. Valencia SchH Verein, Renegade WDC, San
Gabriel Hund Verein, United Fido SchH Club, Wild West Working Dogs. Filed 2012
Small Business Tax Exempt Return in May 2013. Filed 2012 Franchise Tax Return in
May 2013.
Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith
Several things are being discussed in the breed advisory committee about starting to
get show ratings for the working dogs. USA is sending a trophy to each region for the
High Breed Surveyed dog at the regional championship. Include that information on
your entry forms. It is part of your dog’s titles.
Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn
Welcome to all the new clubs and thank Greater Dallas for hosting the Regional
Championship. This is a very nice facility.
Alamo Working Dog Club: We started training in early 2012. We had some
growing pains and we do now have a nice solid group. Barry Badders is board chair
and Jimmy Dalton is training director. Linda Williams is our treasurer. Our
affiliation trial was in April and we thank Dena for coming to do that. At our trial we
had 11 Bh with 10 passes, several AD’s, a Sch 1 and SchH3. Johannes Greves was
our judge and did a good job.
Austin Schutzhund Club: Kim and Leia- BH; Richard and Ferro-IPO 3 and Second
at Regionals, High HOT; Julia and Faith-SG1; Kathy and Gus-AD; Windy-Lucas SG1,
Hans V1; Chad and Witch-BH; Charles and Link-BH. We have young dogs and we
are improving.
Cypress Working Dog Club: We have a small tight knit group. In our group we
have GSD, Malinois, and Rotweilers. Our team works well together.
DFW Working Dogs: Diane, Dawn, and Donna have all titled dogs this year. We are
happy to be a part of this and helping Greater Dallas put this on.
Greater Dallas Working Dog Club: Congratulations to Chris for placing 6th at
Nationals. Thank you to DFW for their help. We couldn’t have done this without
Greater Houston Working Dog Club: We have 5 young dogs coming up for SchH 1.
Lee Hendricks is our helper and you will be hearing from us next year.
Lone Star Schutzhund Club: We had a couple of IPO 3’s. Tom and John Wayne
have IPO3 and his breed survey. Donna showed at regionals and got her IPO 3. Gary
got his IPO 3 and Katy got a BH.
San Gabriel Hund Verein: Mark was 4th in Nationals with a score of 97, 99, 96.
Dave got an IPO 1 with his dog and Betty got an IPO 3 with Ingolf.
Wild West Working Dog Club: We are a brand new club. We did our affiliation
trial and we have a trial coming up on March 15 with Bob Johantgen as our Judge.
1. 2014 Regional Championship Show: Austin interested but will have to let us
know. Need to find a judge and a venue.
2. 2015 Regional Championship: DFW interested-venue is excellent, good
tracking. San Gabriel and Lone Star and Austin would like to have it in Hutto-
good tracking and stadium. Call for vote.Vote by secret ballot. 2015 Regional
Championship will be in Hutto. Vote 10-3.
3. 2015 Regional Confirmation Show: No one volunteers. Table
4. Motion to pre-select the helpers for Regionals by Jessy. Discussion. Danny
seconds. Motion passes.
5. Motion to have 4 teaching helpers and 1 person from the host club to pre-
select no more than 4 helpers for Regionals made by Jessy. Julia seconds.
Motion passesl
Discussion on qualifications of helpers trying out.
6. Motion made by Jessy that helpers at the tryouts for Regionals will be
selected by 2 teaching helpers and a club representative picked by the host
club. Dave Kroyer seconds. Motion passed.
Greater Houston is hosting a helper seminar with Charles Otteson and Danny
Grayson in Baytown.
Motion made by Danny and seconded by Jim Fallon to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Thomas
Regional Secretary