Regional Meeting February 9, 2013
Greater Houston Schutzhund Club
Holiday Inn Express, Waller, TX


SCR Regional Board:

     Regional Director- Dr. Dena McGowan                                       Here

     Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson                                   Here

     Regional Secretary-Kathy May                                                     Here

     Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore                                                 Here

     Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith                                         Here

     Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn                                         Here

SCR Regional Clubs:

Austin Schutzhund Club-Danny Grayson                              Here

Big Country Schutzhund Club- Joyce Salinas                                Absent

Cajun Team Schutzhund Club- Rene Gelsomino                           Here

Coastal Bend Schutzhund Club- Windy Pool                       Here

DFW Working Dogs-Randall Hoadley                                    Absent

Endeavor Schutzhund Club-Marsha Boggs                                    Absent

Greater Dallas Working Dog Club-Betty Thomas                         Here

Greater Houston Schutzhund Club-Vickie Bartley                       Here

Greater New Orleans Schutzhund Assoc.-David Billiot                Absent

 Lone Star Schutzhund Club-Jessy Gabriel                                     Here

 New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club-Kevin Sheldahl                   Absent

 OG Valencia Schutzhund Verein-Scott Zwart                               Absent

 San Gabriel Hund Verein- Dave Kroyer                                         Absent

 United Fido SchH Club- Clement Dang                                          Here



Motion by Dena to accept 2012 Regional meeting minutes.

Second by Julia.  Minutes approved.



Discussion limited to 3 minutes per delegate.  Must be club representative to speak and/or 






Regional Director-Dr. Dena McGowan

We have added two new clubs, United Fido SchH Club in the Dallas area, and Big 

Country SchH Club northeast of Abilene.  We have four forming clubs Lubbock SchH 

Club, who are planning their affiliation trial for March or April, San Antonio SchH 

Association, Alamo Working Dogs in San Antonio and a group  in El Paso.

We were well represented at last years Nationals in Dickson, TN by Clement Dang and 

Fox, Mark Natinsky and “Acappella” Archer, Dave Kroyer and Italo who was injured in 

obedience.  Glad to see them entered this weekend.  Also, was nice to see so many 

regional members there to cheer them on.

The helper seminar was well attended.  Danny Grayson was one of the teaching helpers.  

Windy Pool and Kevin Coombs participated.  Julia Grayson, Rene Gelsomino, and 

myself were in attendance.

Under new business I would propose we considered using some of the money sitting and 

doing nothing, in the regional account to help the region’s youth attend the T. Floyd 

Youth Camp.

Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson

Short Workshops over 2 day period.  Clements club agreed to host.  Very talented people 

in our Region.  Anyone interested please let me know.  Linda Guidry managing website.  

Welcome to Regional Championships.

Regional Secretary-Kathy May

No Report.

Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore

Balance on December 31, 2011 was $4,238.15.  In 2012 we collected $733.32.  We paid 

$250 to 2012 SCR Regional Event.  Trophy Sponsorship for Nationals - $60.  Balance on 

December 31, 2012 $4,661.47.  2012 club dues were received from the following clubs:  

United Fido SC, Bi Country SC, Greater Houston SC, DFW Working Dogs, Greater 

Dallas WDC, New Mexico Hundesport SC, Endeavor SC, Greater new Orleans SC, San 

Antonio WDC, Austin SC, Lone Star SC, Cajun Team SC, San Gabriel Hund Verein, 

O.G. Valencia S Verein.  Filed 2011 Small Business Tax Exempt Return in May 2012.  

Filed 2011 Franchise Tax Return in May 2012.

Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith

Clarification of New Breeding Rules under New Breed Warden with our USA Judges – 

count anywhere.  

Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn

Thanks to Greater Houston for putting on Regional Championship.


Austin Schutzhund Club: Two B’s, Sunny and Sara had kids, Windy got a TR1 and 2nd 

year to show at the Sieger Show with female.

Dena McGowan – Regress to Regional Breed Warden for report.  

Cajun Team Schutzhund Club: Last year Bh, IPO1, 2 helpers club certified.  Charles – 

new, 5 months and attended Helper Seminar a few weeks ago.

Coastal Bend Schutzhund Club: Successful trial year, Alex got Sch3, BH, TR1 and 

Danny got TR1.

Greater Dallas Working Dog Club:  Kathy got two Bh’s, Chris got IPO1, Cristi got 

IPO1 and have new young dogs in club.

Greater Houston Schutzhund Club: Got 3BH’s, IPO1 and Hosting Regionals and have 

new young dogs.

Lone Star Schutzhund Club: Kevin put an IPO3 on his female, helper selected at 

Nationals then moved to Northwest.  Donna showing Ryker, Tom got IPO3, James got 

BH on young female, Rob got a BH and hopefully this year IPO1.  

Affiliate Clubs: 


San Antonio Working Dog Club: Looking for permanent place to Train.



A. Election of Regional Officers:

Regional Director-

Floor open for nominations.  Betty Thomas nominates Dena McGowan, Rene 

seconds.  No other nominations. By acclamation Dena McGowan elected.

Assistant Regional Director-

Floor open for nominations.  Betty Thomas nominates Julia Grayson, Rene 

Gelsomino seconds.  No other nominations.  By acclamation Julia Grayson 


Regional Secretary-

Floor open for nominations.  Julia Grayson nominates Betty Thomas, Rene 

Gelsomino seconds.  No other nominations.  By acclamation Betty Thomas 


Regional Treasurer-

Floor open for nominations.  Dena McGowan nominates Sunny Moore, Rene 

Gelsomino seconds.  No other nominations.  By acclamation Sunny Moore 


Regional Breed Warden-

Floor open for nominations. Dena McGowan nominates Carla Griffith, Rene 

Gelsomino seconds.  No other nominations.  By acclamation Carla Griffith 


Regional Training Director-

Floor open for nominations.  Betty Thomas nominates Robb Dunn, Jessy Gabriel 

seconds.  No other nominations.  By acclamation Robb Dunn elected.

Regress – Julia Grayson for club report – Richard obtained IPO 1,2,3 this year and 

competing at Regionals.


1. Selection of 2014 Regional Conformation Show Host.

Austin SC interested.  Tabled.

2. Selection of 2014 SC Regional Championship Host

Julie motioned to table. Julie second.

3. Other motions.

Betty made motion who hosts Regional Championship to receive $500.  

Dena seconds.  Discussion.  Jessy calls for the vote.  Griff seconds.  All in 

favor.  No one opposed.  Motion passes.

Dena made motion that $250 paid for expenses for attending T. Floyd 

youth camp.  Define youth as 18 or younger.  Discussion followed.  Essay 

prior to contest.  Amend that youth must apply/write what makes them 

deserving and what they expect to learn at camp.  Vicki states youth submit 

article to USA after experience.  Donate up to $250 to any youth 

committing to attend T. Floyd youth camp based on an essay application 

that will be voted on by the Region clubs.  Betty seconds.  All in favor.  No 

opposed.  Motion passes.



Motion to adjourn by Carla Griffith.

Second by Dena McGowan.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.