Regional Meeting February 5, 2011
Lone Star, Austin and San Gabriel
Hutto, Texas
5:52 p.m. Call to order per Regional Director Dr. Dena McGowan
SCR Regional Board:
Regional Director-Dr. Dena McGowan Here
Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson Here
Regional Secretary-Betty Thomas Here
Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore Here
Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith Here
SCR Regional Clubs:
Austin Schutzhund Club-Danny Grayson Here
Central Texas Schutzhund Club-Rene Gelsomino Here
Coastal Bend Schutzhund Club-Alex Amonette Here
DFW Working Dogs-Chris Bettin Absent
Endeavor Schutzhund Club-Marsha Boggs Absent
Greater Dallas Working Dog Club-Cristi Ramos Here
Greater Houston Schutzhund Club-Jim Fallon Absent
Greater New Orleans Schutzhund Club-Marvin Ferguson Here
Lone Star Schutzhund Club-Jessy Gabriel Here
New Mexico Hundesport SchH Club-Kevin Sheldahl Absent
OG Valencia Schutzhund Verein-Scott Zwart Absent
San Gabriel Hund Verein-Mark Natinsky Here
Per Dr. Dena McGowan: There is a quorum.
February 2010 Minutes-Motion by Danny Grayson to accept 2010 minutes. Second by Rene Gelsomino. Motion passed unanimously.
Special Rules of Order:
Discussion limited to 3 minutes per delegate. Must be a representative to speak or vote.
Regional Director-Dr. Dena McGowan
We have lost three clubs this past year. Ark-La-Tex, Buena Vista, and Texas Working Dogs. All three chose not to renew their USA club dues, for varying reasons, and therefore were dropped as full member clubs.
On the upside, there is a group forming in Lubbock under the guidance of Joe Cantu. They are in the process of getting their paperwork into the office to become an affiliated club.
The ballot for Tornado Alley SchH Club to host the Nationals closes on Sunday, but since they are the only ones bidding, plan on going to Kansas City, KS this fall. Dates will be Nov. 3 for the General Board Meeting and Nov. 4,5, and 6 for the trial. Tracking will be grass, 4 to 6 inches.
There has also been some discussion as to the negative effect of the 70/30 split of profit from hosting the Nationals.
I would like to thank the region’s clubs for a quiet two years, and look forward to another two years of the same.
Assistant Regional Director-Julia Grayson
We want to recognize our National competitors: Jessy won the Egon Volrath Sportsmanship trophy, Tom with HOT dog, and Drake. Clement took 2nd place. Mark with Faja, and David Green with Ultra. We had a great helper seminar that Danny and Rob put on. I am working with Linda on the website. She likes to do it so if you need something let me know and we will update it. We will try and spruce up the website.
Regional Secretary-Betty Thomas
No report
Regional Treasurer-Sunny Moore
Balance on December 31, 2009-$3444.00. Deposited club dues:2009 dues $150.00 and 2010 dues $537.49. Disbursements: 2010 SCR Regional Event $250.00
Balance on December 31, 2010-$3881.49
All clubs have paid their dues except Texas Working Dogs, Ark-La-Tex SchH Club and Buena Vista Working Dogs.
Taxes: Filed 2009 Small Business Tax Exempt Return on May 11, 2010
Filed 2009 Franchise Tax Return on April 14, 2010
Regional Breed Warden-Carla Griffith
Sieger show is last Saturday in April.
Regional Training Director-Rob Dunn
Thanks to San Gabriel for hosting our regionals last year and congratulations to our regional champion last year, Mark Natinsky. At the nationals this year, the SCR was strongly represented. We were very close in having the most dogs from our region. We had a regional training seminar with Gene England and Debbie Zappia.
I wish everyone a good and successful year and good luck with your dogs.
Austin Schutzhund Club-no report
Central Texas Schutzhund Club-We are still working as a young group with puppies. We are trying to slowly get people and get helper training so we can get going again. We are having a trial on the 19th of March with Nikki Banfield and tracking will be on grass.
Coastal Bend-We had a good year with a small group of people. We had 3 BH, a SchH 1,FH1, and FH2.
DFW Working Dogs-no representative present.
Endeavor SchH Club-no representative present.
Greater Dallas Working Dog Club-Mark and Bugsy got a SchH 1, Cristi got a BH, Betty got a BH. We have a trial scheduled for next December and then the next December.
Greater Houston Schutzhund Club-We titled some dogs and we have trials scheduled thru 2014. We have a good group who works well together. We are having lots of fun.
Greater New Orleans Schutzhund Club- We are working hard and trying to get bigger-that is why I am here.
Lone Star Schutzhund Club-We had the Gene and Debbie seminar last year. We had a couple of dogs that competed at the Regionals and Nationals.
New Mexico Hundesport Schutzhund Club-no representative present.
OG Valencia Schutzhund Verein-no representative present
San Gabriel Hund Verein-Mark and Eddie won last year’s regionals SchH 3, took 9th place at the Working Dog Championship and 4th place at the AWDF Championship.
Mark and Faja placed 2nd at last year’s regionals, SchH3, 5th place at the Working Dog Championship and was a competitor in the AWDF and the USA Nationals. Archer got his BH.
Karen and Akilah got a SchH 3 at regionals and an FH1.
Karen and Jagger got a BH and a SchH 1.
Dave and Eli placed 5th at last year’s regionals-SchH3.
Dave and Yada got a SchH 1.
Dave and Enoch won 1st place in the French Ring Regional Championship and his National Standing is 4th place.
Marki and Drak got a Mondioring 1 and were selected for the MondioRing Championship in Holland.
David Green and Ultra participated in the AWDF, the Working Dog Championship and the USA Nationals.
Mark and Dave were selected to participate in the Masters Championship.
Motion made by Alex Amonette to keep all officers with the exception of one-Betty Thomas-replace her with Kathy May for Secretary. Seconded by Carla Griffith. Motion passed unanimously.
2011 Regional Conformation Show-Lone Star will host if Jessy is given time to find a judge. Rene Gelsomino seconds. Discussion about money the Central Texas Club has already paid. Motion passed unanimously.
2012 SCR Regional Championship-Motion by Mark Natinsky for San Gabriel Hund Verein to host regionals. Second by Danny Grayson. Motion passed unanimously.
2012 Regional Conformation Show Hosting Club-Motion by Alex Amonette to table. Second by Carla Griffith. Motion passed unanimously.
2013 SCR Regional Championship Hosting Club-Motion by Alex Amonette to table. Second by Carla Griffith. Motion passed unanimously.
Request for any other Motions.
Alex made motion to appoint a committee to review spending of our regional funds and have an answer within the next 60 days by e ballot. Julia Grayson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Carla Griffith to adjourn. Second by Rene Gelsomino. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Thomas